Master Data Management 

Trusted master data foundation through governance, quality & stewardship 

Consolidate data from multiple sources 

create your customer golden record across several systems 


Execute data quality rules & mechanisms 

ensure high quality of your product, customer, reference data thanks to automated data quality control 


Engage business stakeholders in keeping the data clean  

introduce data stewardship in your organization and raise it to the next level 

How we can solve these problems step by step:

Our preferred MDM tool is Profisee
because it is : 

  • fast to deliver
  • affordable: start small and grow 
  • scalable: any number of domains,
         data volumes, configurations
  • multipurpose: maximises coverage
    and ROI, no pricing limitations 
  • easy: pre-integrated, cloud native
         (integrates smoothly with Azure),
         augmented stewardship

Profisee MDM is how enterprises can finally solve the data quality issues that have been holding back so many strategic initiatives.  

We work with companies on different levels of MDM maturity:  


  • You are considering introducing data quality and governance policies in your company 

  • Build the golden record for your domain (customer, product, store, reference) to have one, single view across all systems 
  • Determine which data from which system is the most complete and automatically push the clean data back to your source systems 

  • Introduce Profisee to your business stakeholders and let them take the responsibility over data quality  


  • You already have Profisee in your company and you would like to expand beyond your current platform use 

  • Centralize the governance of your master data in one tool: author directly and Profisee, let the data propagate to other systems 

  • Introduce data validation workflows and make sure no bad data in entered anymore 

  • Feed both your analytics and operations with the most complete information at hand 

We can support you with:

  • Profisee implementation (PaaS, SaaS, IaaS) 
  • Golden Record Management (deduplication, enrichment, consolidation) 
  • Matching & Survivorship 
  • Profisee Workflows 
  • Profisee Data Quality Rules 
  • Profisee Data Modeling 
  • Profisee Archiving & Deployment 
  • Profisee Integration with your CRMs, ERPs etc. 
  • Profisee integration with Azure services

Benefits of the Master Data Management 

  • Improve your analytical visibility and operational control with clean data 

  • Drive customer understanding across multiple channels 

  • Better understand and service customers; increase average order size 

  • Improve business processes and service while eliminating clerical errors (order fulfillment, billing) 

  • Build the foundations for better customer loyalty programs and targeted promotions 

  • Pave the way for other digital transformation initiatives and become more data-driven 


Timing: POC 6-8 weeks